No One Will Ever Know

A poster of the words

No One Will Ever Know

Personal project and poster for the dallas society of visual communications

This phase is from an old Warner Bros cartoon I saw as a kid called The Dover Boys. At one point the villain, who is about to steal a car, dramatically screams out, “A turnabout! I’ll steal it! NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW!” I’ve always loved that bit so I used the phrase for a personal project that I printed as a 5-color screen print.

A few months later, the DSVC asked me to give a talk at their Monthly Meeting and asked if I’d like to make a poster for the event. I decided that I wanted to talk about how my work had evolved over the years from a series of accidents, mistakes, big risks, and insecurities which are things most creative professionals struggle with and usually want to keep secret. But often times it’s the process of pushing through those struggles and using those mistakes that gets us closer to where we want to be! This image immediately came to mind as the perfect poster for the event.

Featured in the 2014 Print Regional Design Annual

A black framed picture of the words no one will ever know.
A close up of the neon sign on a poster

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